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Project Management Journal, with PM Network
8756-9728 Vol.46, 1(2015)
The Impact of Company Resources and Capabilities on Global New Product Program Performance 原始网站 
Ulrike de Brentani[1] and;Elko J. Kleinschmidt[2]
[1]John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada;
[2]McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
Abstract:Product innovation and the trend to globalization are two important and interrelated dimensions driving business today. In this article,the results of five published research articles on the topic of global new product development (NPD) are summarized to provide an integrated overview of the factors that impact global NPD program performance. The overall conceptual framework is based on three types of literature—NPD,globalization,and organization. The main theoretical approach for establishing relationships between factors is the dynamic capability/resource-based view. Accordingly,factors linked to outcome are seen as operating on different organizational levels,with more actionable initiatives or ‘capabilities’ largely mediating the softer and longer term background ‘resources’ of the firm. The analyses are based on a broad cross-industry sample of 467 firms (North America,Europe,B2B,goods/services). Three global NPD-related background resources (global innovation culture,resource commitment,and senior management involvement),labeled the ‘behavioral environment’ of the firm,are identified and shown to be linked to global NPD program performance via the mediated effect of four specific NPD capabilities (NPD process,strategy,team,and IT/communication). A qualitative synthesis of the findings is provided,along with recommended management initiatives with which firms can enhance their performance in the global NPD effort. Both sets of factors are found to be essential and highly interrelated,but it is the strength of the behavioral environment resources that distinguish the best performing firms,setting the stage for success in global NPD.
Keyword:new product development; global new product development; globalization; resource-based view; dynamic capabilities; success factors;
Topic:sport development management policy;social;international joint venture;critical success factor;innovation performance innovation performance;human resource;organization theory;knowledge management process;
ReleaseDate:2 MAR 2015
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